Dormie Network Stay & Play for Four (4)
Dormie Network Stay & Play for Four (4)
Donated by: Dormie Network Philanthropy
Donated by: Dormie Network Philanthropy
Your maximum bid: $3,550
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Enjoy one stay and play package with Dormie Network, the nation’s most exclusive collection of destination golf clubs. This package is valued at $4,400 and includes accommodations for one night in a private standard cottage with four master suites and two 18-hole rounds of golf for up to four people. Unaccompanied groups are required to utilize the services of a forecaddie or walking caddies (at the expense of the certificate holder). Stay and play reservations can be made up to 180 days in advance of your visit. Choose from any of these five private clubs: 1) Ballyhack Golf Club, Roanoke, VA 2) Victoria National Golf Club, Newburgh, IN 3) ArborLinks Golf Club, Nebraska City, NE 4) Briggs Ranch Golf Club, San Antonio, TX 5) Hidden Creek Golf Club, Egg Harbor Township, NJ These exceptional clubs offer pristine courses, full-service amenities, and a secluded, relaxing retreat. Certain restrictions apply: 1) Dormie Club in Pinehurst is EXCLUDED from this offering. It is reserved for Dormie Network Membership only. 2) Winning bidder will be responsible for all travel, food and beverage, and any associated caddie fees that are required by the club they are choosing to go to. 3) Winning bidder will be able to make their reservations within 180 Days of their planned trip. 4) Outside alcohol is STRICTLY forbidden on any Dormie Network property. Those failing to comply will be charged, and potentially asked to leave the Dormie Network property. 5) Winning bidder and their foursome will be able to only utilize Dormie Facilities one time. There will be no year over year bidding on a Stay and Play auction package, and Dormie Network will reserve the right to decline reservations from repeat Stay and Play bidders who are not members of Dormie Network. 6) 30 day cancellation policy for all Stay and Play guests. A $250 per night deposit is required to secure lodging and will be applied to guest account for use while on property. If the reservation is cancelled within 15-30 days of the reservation date, the deposit will be subject to forfeiture. If cancelling within 14 days of the reservation date, the deposit will not be refunded and Stay and Play certificate will be forfeited. For for more information, please visit
A note from CDGA Foundation: The Chicago District Golf Association (CDGA) is authorized by the United States Golf Association (USGA) as the governing body for amateur golf in our region. The CDGA is a membership organization consisting of more than 98,000 individual golfers and 400 clubs in Illinois and parts of Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin. Golfers receive member offers, a Handicap Index from the USGA and competitive playing opportunities, while clubs receive Course Rating and Slope Rating measuring services, turfgrass diagnostics and educational seminars. The CDGA also creates opportunities for everyone to experience the benefits of the game through therapeutic and recreational Outreach Programs, with an emphasis on serving individuals with special needs, youth and veterans.
Item delivery: After you've paid for any auction items that you've won, the event organizer will contact you to coordinate delivery. Winning bids are deemed to be tax deductions based upon the difference of the winning bid price minus the fair market value as determined by the item donor. Please consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors with any questions.